Use Cordova WP8 JsonHelper for deserialize json

In PhoneGap Documentation "Developing a Plugin on Windows Phone" explain how parse simple array of string:
cordova.exec(win, fail, "ServiceName", "MethodName", ["this is a string", "54", "{literal:'trouble'}"]) ;

string[] optValues = JsonHelper.Deserialize(options);
But if you have something more complexity like this:
var moreBtns = 
        name  : 'fb button',
        target: 'EXTERNAL',
        url   : ''
        name  : 'twitter button',
        target: 'EXTERNAL',
        url   : ''
cordova.exec(win, fail, "ServiceName", "MethodName", ["this is a string", "54", moreBtns]) ;
How to parse it? First of all create class for more button
public class moreButtonClass
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string target { get; set; }
    public string url { get; set; }
and then parse
string[] optValues = JsonHelper.Deserialize(options);

if (optValues.Length > 2)
    moreButtonClass[] moreBtns = JsonHelper.Deserialize(optValues[3]);

    for (int i = 0; i < moreBtns.Length; i++)
        Debug.WriteLine("moreBtns[" + i + "][name]=" + moreBtns[i].name);
        Debug.WriteLine("moreBtns[" + i + "][target]=" + moreBtns[i].target);
        Debug.WriteLine("moreBtns[" + i + "][url]=" + moreBtns[i].url);